Glamour Profession (solo)
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:22 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Gaucho (1980)
Song Author
Walter Becker & Donald Fagen
File Size
38 KB
Here's a link a decent chord-tab for the song:
This part of the song caught me, as it's rare to hear a
guitar solo in such alternating key signatures.
I've divided this outro solo part into 2 parts: A and B.
They're similar; B is just 2 semi-tones higher than A.
It's all just 4 bars repeated, and each repetition is split
into two key signatures.
In part A, the first half is in straight C minor, and the
second half is in F# minor. But since the chord is
Dmaj7, the root note is also to be concidered D.
This is also called a lydian scale, in this case D lydian;
and it IS just a F# minor scale with D as root note.
Same goes for part B. D minor in the first half, and E
lydian in the second, which is G# minor with E as root
Theoretically, it's not that complicated at all - it's just a
mind-blowing job to solo like that! :)